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For Administrators


This section covers how to support your Apprentice during their Apprenticeship year. If you are interested in what you need to know before the program begins, click here. If you need more information about specific program activities, click here. For details about exit requirements, click here. Additionally, use of FreeTeacher U means that you agree to contact FreeTeacher U for technical assistance and to facilitate data collection.


Overall, there are several ways you should be supporting your Apprentice, listed below. Specifics are then provided by each program requirement.

  • Ensure that the Apprentice is assigned to a strong team that meets all requirements (meets at least every two weeks, assignment must involve planning around student data, addresses academic and/or behavioral concerns, and includes at least one special and one general education teacher)

  • Confer with Apprentice and teacher team periodically to determine how the Apprentice is meeting requirements

  • Foster a positive, collaborative climate among the team

  • Ensure that the Apprentice's daily assignment fits the description of the Apprenticeship

Strategic Intervention


  • Check selected interventions for fit with needs of students and school

  • Ensure that Apprentice has sufficent opportunities to implement interventions and is supported by staff

  • Offer guidance and feedback in the selection, implementation, and evaluation process

  • Assist in determining whether and how successful interventions could be extended



  • Provide access to coaches who are expert educators

  • Assess coaching program periodically to ensure a tight fit between expectations and outcomes

  • Set aside regular time for coaching

  • Participate personally in coaching sessions

CEC Standards


  • Become familiar with Standards and required activities

  • Ensure that Apprentice has opportunity to complete the required activities in authentic situations

  • Notify Apprentice when opportunity becomes available to extend learning in one of the Standards

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