Strategic Intervention
Strategic Intervention (S.I.) is the most intensive of your requirements as an Apprentice. You will be required to design, implement, and evaluate six different interventions of varying lengths throughout the school year, with the support of your supervising administrator and educator team. The five required intervention areas are based on Vanderbilt University's IRIS Center "Evidence-Based Practice Summaries" ( You will have a choice of topic for the sixth intervention. Instruction can take place in any setting, with any group of struggling learners, but your instruction must rely on evidence-based practices.
This page is your guide to locating evidence-based strategies for intervention. There are one to two required readings for each type of intervention. This reading will provide an overview and general knowledge on the topic. Please note that some of the material will overlap. For example, some "Content Instruction" resources may be under "Strategy Instruction" as well. Below the required readings are lists of resources that can assist you in finding an intervention to implement that matches the needs of your environment. Detailed documentation is a part of any intervention. You can find the portolio forms for S.I. under "For Apprentices."
Behavior / Classroom Management
Required Reading: CEEDAR Center Classroom and Behavior Management Course Enhancement Module
1. Behavioral Interventions, Intervention Central
2. Teaching Students with ADHD, US DOE
4. Supporting and Responding to Social, Educational, and Behavioral Needs, Center on PBIS
5. Teaching Self-Monitoring Strategies, University of Minnesota Institute on Community Integration
6. Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom, Institute of Education Sciences
Content Instruction
Required Reading: Content Enhancement Strategies ERIC Document
2. Enhancing Engagement through Active Student Response, Center on Innovations in Learning
3. Mnemonic Instruction, LD Online
4. Content Vocabulary Instruction, Council for Exceptional Children
5. Teaching History to Support Diverse Learners, National Center for Technology Innovation
Learning Strategies
Required Reading: U.S. Department of Education, Teaching Students with ADHD: Instructional Strategies and Practices
1. Academic Interventions, Intervention Central
2. Interventions for Students with Autism, National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder
3. Cognitive Strategy Instruction, Council for Exceptional Children
4. The Power of Strategy Instruction, National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
5. Classwide Peer Tutoring, Council for Learning Disabilities
6. Cognitive and Megacognitive Strategies, High Leverage Practices
Required Readings:
Elementary: U.S. Department of Education, Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read
Secondary: Center on Instruction, Effective Instruction for Struggling Adolescent Readers: A Practice Brief
1. Assorted Reading Interventions, Intervention Central
2. Fluency Instruction, Council for Exceptional Children
3. Phonics Instruction, Council for Exceptional Children
4. Comprehension Instruction, Council for Exceptional Children
5. Phonological Awareness, Council for Exceptional Children
6. Classroom Interventions for Kids with Anxiety Disorders, Health Central
Required Reading: Center on Instruction, Mathematics Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities or Difficulty Learning Mathematics
2. Students with Disabilities in Mathematics: FAQs, Virginia Department of Education
3. Math Facts, Math, and Early Math Fluency, Intervention Central
4. Mathematics Instruction for Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities, LD Online
5. Math Strategy Instruction for Middle School Students with Learning Disabilities, LD Online
Apprentice Choice
Select one below or locate your own in partnership with your team. Recommended resources are provided for assistance.
1. Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS)
Resources: Center on Multi-Tiered System of Supports, RTI Action Network, Center on Instruction - RTI
2. Transition to College or Career
National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center, Evidence-Based Practices
3. Writing Resources: LD Online, Carnegie Corporation
4. Discussing Race, Racism, and Important Events, Center on PBIS
5. Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom, Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
6. Online Teaching Resource Library, Council for Exceptional Children
7. Assistive Technology Resource Guide, Explore Assistive Technology