The Freereading Wiki lessons are divided into the five pillars of reading and organized by reading concept.
Corresponding online activities, games, and resources are linked below.
Phonemic Awareness
Weeks 1-20
Lessons focusing on letter sounds
Weeks 1-2: counting words in a sentence, onset-rime segmenting, segmenting/blending syllables
Week 2: identifying/generating rhyming words
Weeks 3-4: phoneme blending (sound segments into words)​
Weeks 3-9: phoneme segmenting/identification (first, middle, and last sound in words)
Weeks 12-13: phoneme substitution
Weeks 3-20: letter sound fluency, letter writing accuracy
Weeks 5-35
Lessons focusing on letter combinations, phonics & advanced phonics
Weeks 5-23: sounding out
Weeks 11-27: word form recognition
Weeks 21-32: introduce letter combinations
Weeks 30-34: word families
Weeks 33-35: advanced phonics (including contractions, compound words, silent letters/VCe words, double letter words in weeks 23-25, 27-28, 31-33)
Weeks 15-40
Lessons focusing on practicing reading for speed/accuracy
Weeks 15-40: irregular word practice for fluency
Weeks 31-40: reading connected text fluency/accuracy using fiction/nonfiction passages
Week 35: advanced phonics fluency
Weeks 14-40
Lessons focusing on sight words
Text Comprehension
Weeks 31-40
Lessons focusing on reading connected texts
Weeks 31-40: reading connected texts